Leadership Resources

Leadership Resources from the Carlson Executive MBA Program

Lessons on Leading Through Chaos from U.S. Special Operations HBR Article

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High performing teams are hard to build and can be even more challenging to sustain. Flexible teams react to crisis better, to be flexible teams need to be informed, resilient leaders tend to be generalist, and conversations build trust. The following HBR article explores the need for companies to adapt their approach to building teams, leveraging leaders, and structuring their organizations to fully realize their value. Chris Fussell, a former special operator and a current top executive, explains :”Instead of leading a top-down, highly efficient bureaucracy, we began to lead ourselves as a network. Our mandate was to scale the effectiveness of small, elite teams onto the enterprise level. Instead of many individual leaders running many individual teams, we began to connect ourselves as a broad network of units.”

Link to the article: Lessons on Leading Through Chaos from US Special Forces