Leadership Resources

Leadership Resources from the Carlson Executive MBA Program

Story Telling

As leaders, we are entrusted to communicate to the teams within our organization. The way messages are delivered can make or break how our audiences receive the information, feel connected, and ultimately move into action (or not). Storytelling is a skill that can help leaders convey a trans-formative change, captivate an audience, or ignite passion to drive action. Our workshop will look to highlight the elements of successful storytelling to sharpen everyone’s communicative approach and allow us as leaders to better move our audiences to action. This collection of resources is intended as a starting point for you to dive deeper into the powerful art of storytelling. There is a lot of great information out there, but you should be in good shape to start telling impactful stories of your own if you familiarize yourself with the content we’ve chosen and use our Story Planning Template as you prepare before that next important talk. Finally, we’ve selected a few getAbstract summaries on the topic of storytelling if you want to explore the subject in greater depth.