Leadership Resources

Leadership Resources from the Carlson Executive MBA Program

Leadership in Transition

Moving into a new role due to a promotion or organization move is both an exciting and dangerous time for leaders. Exciting as the new role provides a chance to have a greater impact, meet new challenges and build new skills for even further advancement. Dangerous as studies have reported that up to 50% of all leader end up failing or significantly under performing. Often these leaders get off to a poor start and fail to adequately prepare and manage their transition.

This collection of transition material is intended to educate advancing leaders on how to build an executive toolkit for leadership onboarding and transitions. Don’t leave it up to chance or the organization to do an adequate job.

It’s important to integrate these concepts with your personal tendencies in transitions. For some, your pattern may be to charge ahead for quick wins and fail to build relationships in the new culture. For others, the pattern is to start too slowly and lose the early advantages of a new leader in a new role.

Five resources are provided here plus a listing of five getAbstract summaries on the topic of transitions. You can use this collection of information and tools for your next change as well as to support the new leader you’ve just hired to increase the odds of success.