Leadership Resources

Leadership Resources from the Carlson Executive MBA Program

Get Abstract: Leadership Passages

Get Abstract’s summary takeaway of David L. Dotlich et. al. book ‘Leadership Passages’ describes a passage as “a passage is an intense experience or crisis that challenges your resilience and ultimately makes you a stronger person.” This abstract provides a summary of the  book which focuses on thirteen common passages leaders experience in their lifetime. Each passage has a description of the passage, and common pitfalls and lessons to be learned from each one.  It also stresses the importance of leaders and corporations to better understand and learn from these passages as these passages often can make or break a leader.  Link:  https://www.getabstract.com/en/summary/leadership-passages/4195?dfs=hrtwpblwaioteuvantnoiduigbbygv&rf=MZTSVWKZXM