Leadership Resources

Leadership Resources from the Carlson Executive MBA Program

Zeigarnik Effect – Psychology Behind the Scenes.


Originally intrigued by an article Jennifer Deal wrote for the Wall Street Journal, we were directed to her website while doing research on the “Zeigarnik Effect”-the difficulty people have to compltely forget about something when it is left incomplete. Because the work of executives, managers and professionals is rarely completely finished, people in those types of roles are ripe for being subject to the Zeigarnik Effect. Worse, those with a high need for achievement appear to be even more subject to its effects.

As a senior research scientist at the Center for Effective Organizations in the Marshall Business School at the University of Southern California, Jennifer  is a contributor to many media outlets. Her focus areas include global leadership and generational differences.

Link to Article by Jennifer J Deal

Link to Article on Neuropsychology of Working While on Vacation