Leadership Resources

Leadership Resources from the Carlson Executive MBA Program



Leadership is an intriguing concept. No matter the level; formal or informal; entrusted or rose to the occasion; leaders can either harness and amplify potentials, or they can diminish and even be destructive.

We dare say that throughout our careers, we all experienced leaders that brought the best out of us. It’s surprising to recognize that our knowledge or capabilities may not have changed the minute we started trusting those leaders, but somehow, they were amplified. Unfortunately, we all experienced or will eventually experience leaders that diminished our capabilities, or more precisely, our motivation to leverage our capabilities in challenging moments.

As Leaders, it is our obligation to be leaders that amplify, leaders that inspire motivation and the desire to win. Moreover, it is imperative that we multiply new leaders, giving back to organizations and communities we’re inserted, making the most of what’s entrusted to us.

This collection of 5 materials explore some facets of leadership to multiply. It is not intended to be comprehensive, but a small collection of what we understood key concepts and tools to becoming a leader that multiply, a leader that develop new leaders. We hope you enjoy this material, gaining more insights on this topic, while also increasing your interest to deepen your knowledge even further.