Leadership Resources

Leadership Resources from the Carlson Executive MBA Program

Inspiring Counter-Cultural Change

Inspiring Counter-Cultural Change

Change is difficult.

Humans are wired to resist change, and it may seem that people within an organization are more stubborn to it collectively than any individual alone. Whether you are starting a new job, new role, or have been embedded in a set culture, the climb up the hill can seem insurmountable. The creation of culture at an organization does not happen overnight. The seeds are planted, well-watered, and tended to with care. It is no surprise then, that a potential shift in culture cannot happen quickly with roots so deep. As managers, we aspire and would like to inspire diversity of thought, however, it is not always easy to swim against the current. Ideas that are counter to how individuals and organizations act, or think can be misunderstood or flat out rejected. Landing on your feet as a new employee can be difficult as-is, but what happens when you see odd cultural norms? Better believe that the tenured folks are also noticing the differences between how you and they conduct themselves. When do you conform and when should you aspire to be a change agent, countering with pushback? These are very difficult questions to answer, and it is up to you to judge whether the organization is even ready or willing to accept a divergence. We cannot make this decision on your behalf; only provide some much-needed inspiration should you walk the path of countering culture.