Leadership Resources

Leadership Resources from the Carlson Executive MBA Program

How can I change my company culture? by Simon Sinek

How can I change my company culture? by Simon Sinek

Infinite Mindset



The online video addresses the challenge of fostering positive organizational culture when leadership resists change due to the benefits and comfort of the status quo. It emphasizes empathy for leaders who are often stuck in finite-minded approaches based on habit. The solution is for individuals to focus on their controllable actions, adopting an “infinite mindset” to create supportive, trusting teams within their sphere of influence.

Sinek encourages being the leader you/we wish to see, fostering collaboration, and contributing to a larger cause. This long-term strategy involves gradually influencing culture as individuals who embody these values rise to leadership roles. Leading by example can inspire others and lay the groundwork for sustained organizational transformation.

Why is this resource helpful?

This provides strategies for individuals to foster positive change within organizations, even amidst resistant leadership. It emphasizes the power of personal influence, empathy, and long-term commitment to creating supportive environments, offering practical insights for building a culture of trust and collaboration.